Sure we have majestic cliffs, rushing waterfalls, and
towering cedars, but then what? Well, shopping
is a time honored part of any vacation! We’re
here to help. You won’t find any malls
or Pier 1 Imports, and with the exception of Wal-Mart, no local shopping
destinations you’ll recognize from back home.
However, you will find plenty of handmade items, rustic and country décor,
antiques, crafts, outdoor gear and such.
We’ve put together 3 shopping specific day trip excursions with clickable headings that give round trip driving directions from Canal Winchester.
There is an extensive 6 stop trip around the hills (excursion one), a 4 stop man tour (excursion two), and a 4 stop antique lovers trip (excursion three). There’s plenty more shopping besides what we feature on these excursions, so hey, be your own person, shop your own way, do your own thing, enjoy the Hocking Hills!
Route 33 is regularly patrolled. The speed limit is 60 mph from Columbus to just south of the Speedway and McDonalds in Carrol, where it goes to 70 mph for about 15 miles before dropping back down to 60 mph. Further down 33 is a Sunoco and Subway on the right at the entrance road to Clear Creek Metro Park. A few miles further on the left is a GoMart gas station and deli near the entrance to Canopy Tours.After the rest area the speed limit goes back up to 70 mph. The route 664 round-a-bouts finished in 2014 have been dressed out and are fully operational. They are nothing more than yielding intersections usually without the need to come to a full stop. The signage is pretty clear, just treat them like mini on ramps, yielding as you adjust your speed to flow into any traffic around the circles towards your destination.
Why traffic circles in Hocking Hills?
EXCURSION ONE: Around the Hills
Stop 1. Rempels Grove
Besides being the home port for our fleet, Rempels Grove has
some of the best shopping in the Hills! Starting
on the far right is Tree House Treats and Treasures, a small gift shop offering
some cool handmade items. The Old Dutch Restaurant
gift shop has some unique handmade and decorative items as well as interesting
kid toys and trinkets. The Logan Antique Mall
is a large collection of varied antique dealers, with a great front porch for
treasure hunting. If antiques are your
thing, it is easy to spend a few hours poking around in here. Weaver’s Deli has a great selection of hard to
find bulk foods and supplies, which make great gifts. Ask for their Meal Deal if you’re
hungry! The craft mall is a large
collection of hand made and gift vendors, with plenty of unique items. The Glass Outlet has, well, lots of glass!
Stop 2. The Wind Chime Shop / Christmas / Candles
Stop 2. The Wind Chime Shop / Christmas / Candles
A great little shopping stop with country décor,
local goods, spa stuff, art, souvenirs, and just a bit of randomness. Park across the street and walk the wooden walkway. Oh, and if the restaurant is open,
(they have limited lunch hours), grab a piece of the blueberry cobbler, to die for!
Stop 4. Grandma Fayes gift shop
Stop 4. Grandma Fayes gift shop
Yes Grandma Fayes has groceries and camping supplies, but they also have a great gift shop full of t-shirts, hats, and country decor. Some of it in that cheesy "on vacation" vein, but stuff the others don't have. As well, they have all the toys and trinkets to make any kid happy, including my personal favorite, Frog Legs rock candy, two sticks co-joined and kinda resembling frog legs, yum!
Stop 5. Glenlaurel Inn and Cottages Gift Shop
Stop 6. Hocking Hills Market
The weekend outdoor flea market set up in the front area of this sizable
collection of shops is a big draw, entertaining, and the place for some deal making on that one of kind gift. If
that’s your thing, consider moving this to your first stop since the flea
market tends to start early and wind down by late afternoon. However if possible plan if for the way home
to avoid turning left out of the market into 33 traffic. It is the most dangerous intersection in the Hills
on a bust Saturday.
There are several antique malls located here, a wood carver,
a craft mall, a boot outlet, a jeweler, a furniture maker, a t-shirt shop, a bead
specialty store, and the Motorcycle Ranch for biker gear. An easy place to spend several hours!
Total round trip drive time from Canal Winchester is 1:50 hours. As you approach Nelsonville, you will be driving on the Nelsonville Bypass, one of ODOT's largest projects completed in 2013, of which about 5 miles passes through Wayne National Forest. An enormous amount of research and assets went into keeping this human thoroughfare in concert with the local wildlife, such as deer, bats, and butterflies. Plus it is one of the most monitored roadways around due to it being built over ground shifting abandoned mines. Enjoy!
Stop 1. Rocky Boots Outlet store
Three floors of the best outdoor goods and apparel, all at outlet prices. More boots and camo than you will find anywhere else! Worth a trip for the whole family. If you know a train enthusiast, a quick stop in the Hocking Valley Train station gift shop ain't a bad idea.
The drive back from stop 1 to stop 2 goes through a strange little town called Haydenville, an old company town that was built from clay, literally and figuratively. The town has outlived the clay industry that spawned it. It is now host to SawMiller, a leader in pallet manufacturing, turning standing timber into pallets. Gigantic stacks of them, that you literally driver right by.
Stop 2. Rempels Grove
See Step 1 in Excursion one above. Specifically the Logan Antique Mall, which has plenty
of tools and old stuff to keep us men occupied for at least an hour or more. O, and a fat freshly made deli sandwich from Weaver’s with all the fixings is worth the stop.
Stop 3. Down’s Bait & Gun
The drive to stop 5 takes you right along the edge of 300+ acre Lake Logan. The mute Swans can usually be seen in the shallows at the top end of the lake, worth a pull over.
Stop 5. Hocking Hills Market
See step 7 in Excursion one above.
Antiques, furniture, and motorcycles.
Not to mention flea market deals! A must stop for any true man shopping tour in the Hills!
EXCURSION THREE: Antiques only
Get your walking shoes out, there’s a lot to see! Total round trip drive time from Canal
Winchester is 1:20 hours. This shopping
trip focuses solely and antique and vintage stuff.
Stop 1. The Logan Antique Mall at Rempel's Grove
See stop 1 in EXCURSION ONE. Plenty of varied vendor booths to keep you busy. A great selection of smalls in the glass cabinets in the middle by the desk. The bargains tend to be on the front porch.
Stop 2. Rockbridge Antiques
The smallest shop on the journey, but it's right on your way, with easy in and out, worth a stop! Some cool old stuff, some bargains, and a specialization in guitars.
Stop 3. Spring Street antique mall, Paula’s antiques, and the Bargain at Hocking Hills Market.
See stop 6 in EXCURSION ONE. The Spring Street Antique mall is similar in size and scope to the Logan Antique mall, complete with bargain hunters front porch. Paula's antiques are a few doors to the right of the antique mall and offer more of an upscale feel, with a specialty in signage. Hit the bargain barn on the way in or out for more of a yard sale feel, with less junk, but still some bargain finds.
Stop 4. The Olde Shoe Factory antique mall
Here is the only stop not really in the Hocking Hills, but close enough and worth the trip. It is a very sizable 2 story antique mall build in an historic old building, complete with creaking wooden floors! The basement is more of a manly place, spread out more like a real basement or garage. Lots of furniture, large tools and equipment, and in the back recesses is some industrial salvage, doors, shutters, fixtures etc.
Come down for a day, or take a break from hiking and exploring, either way the shopping is great in The Hocking Hills!
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